2016 APEC CEO Survey

Please be invited to participate in 2016 APEC CEO Survey conducted by PwC Vietnam. Your perspectives on doing business in the region are important and will help shape discussions during Asia Pacific’s most influential public-private dialogue, the APEC CEO Summit, scheduled for 17-19 November 2016 in Lima, Peru.

To begin the questionnaire, please click: www.apecceoresearch.org.

Background info
What is the APEC CEO Survey?
The APEC CEO Survey is an annual survey of business leaders operating in the 21 APEC member economies. The survey is commissioned by the APEC CEO Summit host committee and conducted by its knowledge partner, PwC. The survey questions centre on business perspectives on the outlook, investments and growth strategies of businesses operating across borders in Asia Pacific.

Who should take part?
The APEC CEO Survey is targeted at business executives at the highest decision-making or management levels in their organisations, and heads of departments or business units with supervisory and budget responsibilities.

What are participants’ rights and benefits?
Your views will be held in the strictest confidence. Responses will not be attributable to any individual organization. However, should you choose to waive your anonymity, you will receive a dashboard report that will benchmark your responses to key questions against final results for your economy and/or APEC members. You will also receive the overall findings of the study, which will be shared with economic and business leaders at the APEC CEO Summit and beyond.

*Deadline for submitting the survey is 22 July 2016.

For further information, please contact PwC Vietnam at vn.marketing@vn.pwc.com

Thank you for sharing your time and insights.
PwC Vietnam

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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