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2020 ASEAN-EU Business Sentiment Survey


The EU-ASEAN Business Council's Business Sentiment Survey is Back for its 6th Run!

The EU-ASEAN Business Sentiment Survey is our annual flagship publication that serves as a barometer for current European business sentiment in the ASEAN region, with a focus on key issues such as customs & trade regulations, regional and global developments, COVID-19 responses, and other challenges to European Businesses in ASEAN, amidst an increasingly challenging global trade environment, compounded by the pandemic.  It is distributed to, and read by, policymakers and key stakeholders right across the ASEAN region and in Europe.

If you are an Executive in a European firm with a presence in ASEAN, share with us your outlook and concerns for the region in 2020 and beyond. Results will be compiled and published in September later this year.

Don't miss out on this chance to have your voice heard by government leaders and public policy makers — respondents will receive preliminary findings of the survey results directly in their inboxes!

The link to the survey can be found here

The link to the ASEAN-EU EDM for it is here

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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