On 21 February, a meeting took place between representatives of EuroCham Vietnam and the Ambassador of Ireland, Deirdre Ní Fhallúin. The EuroCham group was led by Chairman Gabor Fluit, and included our Head of the EuroCham Hanoi Office cum External Relations Manager, Van Nguyen. This conversation focused on the potential establishment of an Irish chamber of commerce in Vietnam.



Ireland, a member of the European Union, does not have an official national business association in Vietnam yet. Despite the relatively small number of Irish businesses currently operating in the country, there is a strong belief in the untapped investment and business opportunities available in the country. Recognizing the importance of having a formal representation to facilitate business and investment opportunities for Irish companies, the Embassy of Ireland expressed its interest in establishing an Irish chamber of commerce in Vietnam.

The embassy sought consultation from EuroCham, given our extensive experience and status as one of the largest foreign business associations in Vietnam. 

We at EuroCham give our heartfelt best wishes to the Embassy of Ireland and the burgeoning Irish business community in Vietnam, looking forward to their future successes. Our aspiration is that the creation of an Irish chamber of commerce in Vietnam will herald a new era in the economic ties between Ireland and Vietnam, one characterized by mutual growth, innovative collaborations, and shared prosperity for both countries.

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