16 April: EuroCham met with the Investment and Trade Promotion Center to work together to implement the EVFTA, improve trade and investment in HCMC, connect with local authorities and support our Sector Committees’ and members’ issues.
Read more here
19 April: EuroCham attended the 2021 Vietnam National Branding Forum in HCMC. The event, themed “Vietnam’s National Brand: New Position, New Value” was organized by Vietnam’s Trade Promotion Agency and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Read more here
20 April: EuroCham met with HCMC’s Department of Customs to continue our partnership and discuss our 2021 Agenda including two customs training events in May (25/26), our Annual Dialogue in August, and Customs training in November.
Read more here
6 May via Zoom: EuroCham met with VINASME to discuss VINASME’s submission for a project for SMEs: ‘Boosting the export of Vietnamese Small and Medium enterprises’.



Cosmetics continues to follow-up the issuing of new regulations from MOH to remove the pre-approval for cosmetics advertising.

On 23 April, EuroCham sent follow-up input to the EU Delegation after meeting on technical barriers to trade to seek their support on issues related to CFS.    


On 7 April, CropLife supported a workshop on the “Application of Ag Biotech in Vietnam”. The Committee continues to engage with and provide technical support for the revision and implementation of regulations on CP and Seeds and to advocate for science-based, functional and harmonized regulatory systems on plant science. Over the next 2 months, the SC will continue to support and engage in consultation workshops on Regulations of CP and Seeds and conduct Stewardship models in Son La: Training farmers on CP Responsible Use. CropLife will also be key sponsor for the ‘Digital Farming Forum’ hosted by MARD, MIC and VIDA, and broadcast a series of animated clips on the responsible use of CP on VTC16.

Digital SC:
16 April 2021: DSC member Mr. Bruno Sivanandan represented EuroCham and spoke at MPS’s workshop on draft PDP Decree, chaired by MPS Vice-Minister Bui Van Nam.

Food, Agri and Aqua Businesses (FAABS):
FAABS is preparing for breakfast talk to attract more members. However, due to Covid-19 developments, the event has been postponed until further notice.

Over the last two months, IQMED has followed-up on the meeting with the EU Delegation to Vietnam on 6 April, sent comments to DAV/MOH on the issue related to minor variation and Draft Circular on Tender, and requested EuroCham’s support to set up a meeting with the Minister of MOH.

HR & Training SC: 
HR&T SC attended the VBF HR & Education Working Group meeting to discuss advocacy plan on work permit issues; contributed to the letter of VBF sent to MOLISA and OOG, MOJ and FIA/MPI, and wrote to GDT/MOF on PIT treatment for COVID-19 expenses. The Committee has also sent letters to MOLISA and HCMC PC, HCMC DOLISA, and ITPC on work permit issues, and attended ITPC’s Dialogue with HCMC DOLISA on work permits, where some of our concerns were addressed – read more here 

Pharma Group: 
Registration remains PG’s top priority for 2021. The Committee has proposed solutions to accelerate the registration timeline, provided feedback on the Pharma Law 2016, and followed-up (preparing registration data) on the meeting with the EU Delegation on 6 April.

Legal SC:
Some members have faced different implementation of Investment Registration Certificate regulations under the new Law in Investment at Dong Nai province. LSC is preparing a letter to MPI/MOF to flag the issue.

Medical Devices & Diagnostics SC:
MDDSC is preparing for two trainings in HCMC and Hanoi for the Code of Ethical Conducts for members.

Transportation and Logistics SC:
EuroCham has invited members to join the upcoming Customs Training in HCMC on 27 May where companies can raise their issues and recommendations.

Tax and Transfer Pricing SC:
The Committee has provided comments on the Draft Circular guiding the implementation of the Law on Tax Administration 2019.

Tourism & Hospitality SC:
The MOU with the Department of Tourism planned on 13 May to be signed at the Tourism Exhibition at Le Van Tam Part has been postponed until June due to COVID-19.

Common SCs activities:
29 April 2021: EuroCham & other foreign Chambers co-signed a letter on work permit issues to MOLISA & MOJ under the Vietnam Business Forum.

III. Upcoming activities affected by COVID 19

(11 May) – Meeting with Danang Peoples’ Committee: now postponed until June depending on the COVID-19 situation.
(13 May) – Signing MOU with HCMC Department of Tourism: postponed to next month.
(14 May) – HCMC Conference on FDIs organized by the Investment and Trade Promotion Center postponed to next month until after elections, could also combined with the MOU signed with HCM DOT
27 May and 4 June – Customs trainings with HCMC Department of Customs (EuC HCMC office and Online webinars):

27 May: Goods origin and related customs procedures

4 June: Export and Import Tax

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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