The Advocacy Update, posted regularly, is dedicated to updating our members and visitors on EuroCham's advocacy action on behalf of its members and Sector Committees. For general information on events which might be referred to in this section kindly follow the mentioned links or check our Events section. This Update includes information on: 1. Advocacy in Events / 2. Meetings with Government and other Stakteholders / 3. Sector Committee Updates

 APRIL| Week 2-4

I. Advocacy in Events

1. MOIT Consultation Workshop on Draft Circular on Milk Price Management | Hanoi, 14 April  and Ho Chi Minh, 18 April 2017

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has recently organized a consultation workshop to call for comments from various stakeholders in both Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi on the Draft Circular on milk price management (Draft Circular). On 14th April, EuroCham Vice-Chairman Dr. Gellért Horváth attended and delivered a speech raising general comments on the Draft Circular in the event in Hanoi which was chaired by Mr. Vo Van Quyen (Director General, Domestic Market Department, MOIT), Mr. Nguyen Loc An (Deputy Director General, Domestic Market Department, MOIT), and Mr. Nguyen Trong Tin (Deputy Director General, Market Surveillance Agency, MOIT). There were also representatives from several departments under MOIT, Ministry of Health as well as Vietnam Dairy Association, Vietnam Standards and Consumers Association, etc.
In the event of similar theme in Ho Chi Minh on 18th April, Mr. Arnaud Renard, Chairman of EuroCham Nutritional Foods Group (NFG) also joined and gave more detailed comments to the Draft Circular. As a follow-up activity, NFG will send the comments to MOIT to ensure they are fully delivered and received.


2. VCCI Kick-off Seminar for Program on benchmarking and announcing sustainable companies in Vietnam 2017| Ho Chi Minh, 21 April  

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) organized the Kick-off Seminar for the Program on benchmarking and announcing sustainable companies in Vietnam 2017 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang to launch the Corporate Sustainable Index (CSI). This is a tool to access sustainable companies in Vietnam initiated by VCCI to promote and support the business community in Vietnam to develop sustainably and promote the role of the business sector in the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Vietnam. There was participation from members of EuroCham Human Resources & Training Sector Committee in the event in Hanoi on 18th April, while Mr. Tomaso Andreatta, EuroCham Vice-Chairman and Chairman of Green Growth Sector Committee joined the event in Ho Chi Minh on 21st April. 

3. GDVC/MOF Consulting Workshop on revision of Circular 38 | Hanoi, 21 April
EuroCham was invited to the Consultation Workshop on revision of Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC dated 25th March 2015 of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) on customs procedures, control and monitoring, import and export taxes and tax management over imported/exported goods (Circular 38) on 21st April in Hanoi, which was chaired by Ministry fo Finance Vice-Minister Vu Thi Mai. Following the comments from EuroCham Transportation and Logistics Sector Committee on Circular 38 which have been sent to the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) in advance, several EuroCham Sector Committee members have also participated in this event to have a chance for further discussion and raising their concerns to GDVC.

II. Meetings with Government and Other Stakeholders

1. Meeting with Private Sector Forum in Vietnam (VBSF) | Hanoi, 18th April 2017

On 18th April, EuroCham delegation led by Mr. Jens Ruebbert, EuroCham Chairman together with Mr. Gellert Horvath, EuroCham Vice-Chairman and Mr. Soren Roed Pedersen, EuroCham Board Member, met with Mr. Dao Huy Giam, General Secretary of Private Sector Forum in Vietnam (VBSF) for introductory purpose following the informal greetings at the event co-organized by VBSF in early April 2017. EuroCham shared with VBSF its upcoming advocacy plans and looked forward to more closely cooperation and dialogue with VBSF to exchange information on strategic draft regulations and recommendations on common topics. 

2. Meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Hanoi, 19 April 2017

On 19th April, EuroCham delegation led by Mr. Jens Ruebbert, EuroCham Chairman together with Mr. Gellert Horvath, EuroCham Vice-Chairman and Mr. Soren Roed Pedersen, EuroCham Board Member, met with Mr. Vu Quang Minh, Assistant Minister, Director General of Department of Economic Affairs; Ms. Tran Nam Binh, Official of APEC 2017 National Secretariat; and Mr. Hoang Trang Hai, Official, Department of Economic Affairs to discuss how EuroCham and MOFA can better and further work together in promoting trade relations between Vietnam and the EU. EuroCham looked for MOFA's support in the upcoming high-level engagements in and outside of Vietnam while MOFA also shared its plans and willingness to continue to be a partner of EuroCham.


3. Meeting with Chairman of Central Party Economic Committee | Hanoi, 19 April 2017

On 19th April, EuroCham delegation led by Mr. Jens Ruebbert, EuroCham Chairman together with Mr. Gellert Horvath, EuroCham Vice-Chairman and Mr. Soren Roed Pedersen, EuroCham Board Member and representative from Pharma Group met with Mr. Nguyen Van Binh, Chairman of Central Party Economic Committee and representatives from several departments to officially introduce the newly elected Chairman of EuroCham as well as exchange greetings and information on Vietnam's priorities and potential areas that EuroCham could offer support. Mr. Ruebbert also handed in EuroCham Whitebook 2017 to Mr. Nguyen Van Binh, featuring opportunities and challenges of EVFTA, compiling recommendations to improve the efficiency of the business environment in Vietnam. Read more about the event itself here.

4. Meeting with Departments under MOST for Whitebook follow-up | Hanoi, 20 April 2017

On 20th April, EuroCham delegation led by Mr. Jens Ruebbert, EuroCham Chairman together with Mr. Gellert Horvath, EuroCham Vice-Chairman and Mr. Soren Roed Pedersen, EuroCham Board Member met with representatives from Directorate for Standards, Metrology (STAMEQ) and Quality and National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) under Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) for the purpose of introduction of EuroCham new Chairman and follow-up on Sector Committees' topics in Whitebook. 

The meetings are more at working level with the participation from the following Sector Committees:
•    Intellectual Property Rights SC Chairwoman Ms. Nga Nguyen joined the meeting with NOIP to follow up on Whitebook 2016 and present 2017 Whitebook issues
•    Food, Agri & Aqua Business SC issues were raised by its member, Mr Thierry Rocaboy before NOIP, EuroCham Vice-Chairman Mr. Gellert Horvath raised the group’s issues before STAMEQ
•    Pharma Group representative jointed the meeting with NOIP
•    Medical Device and Diagnostics Sector Committee joined the meeting with STAMEQ to discuss potential for cooperation in developing standards for medical devices.



III. Sector Committee Updates 


[27 April] Providing comments on Draft Decree on Compulsory Social Insurance in Vietnam to the Ministry of Invalids and Social Affairs


[21 April] Providing comments draft Circular guiding the registration of drugs, drug raw materials to the Ministry of Health


[20 April] Providing comments on Decree 146 on Regulations on publishing of freights and surcharges of ocean container shipping and seaport charges to the Ministry of Transport and the Vietnam Maritime Administration.


[28 April] Comment on draft Circular on price registration, price declaration of milk and functional food for children under 6-years old to Ministry of Industry and Trade

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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