
Information on the Vietnam-EU Business Forum can be found by clicking here.

For an excellent introduction to EU-Vietnam relations, please visit the website of the Delegation of the European Commission to Vietnam.

A complete and in-depth overview of EU-Asia economic and political relations can be found on the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) website. ASEM is a dialogue that aims to strengthen the relationship and increase mutual understanding between the EU and Asia.

For EU-Asia cultural and social relations, the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) is a foundation whose mission is ‘to promote greater mutual understanding between the peoples of Asia and Europe through closer intellectual, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges’.

Information on EU external cooperation programmes can be found on the website of the EuropeAid Co-operation Office.


EuroCham projects

EuroCham has been involved in EU-Asia economic co-operation projects funded and supported by the European Union since 2003, when the chamber hosted the Asia Invest Forum 2003 in Ho Chi Minh City. Since then, EuroCham has participated in a number of projects with European and Vietnamese partners with the general aims and objectives of:

  • Assisting the internationalization of Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through capacity building;
  • Allowing for the transfer of know-how, networking and matchmaking between European and Vietnamese SMEs, business and sectoral associations;
  • Raising the profile of Vietnamese businesses and business associations amongst the European business community and vice versa.

For further information EuroCham’s projects, including opportunities for co-operation, please email projects-hn@eurochamvn.org.

For information on monitoring, consulting and funding EU co-operation projects, visit Welcomeurope.

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