EuroCham Delegation met with People's Committees of Hai Phong and Hai Duong Provinces

On 13 June 2017, EuroCham Delegation, led by Vice Chairman Mr. Gellert Horvath, Ms. Almut Roessner Executive Director, had a courtesy meetings with Mr. Vuong Duc Sang, Vice Chairman of Hai Duong People’s Committee and Mr. Le Thanh Son, Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee to discuss potential cooperation to attract more European investors to the North of Vietnam, especially with the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement which is expected to take effect in 2018. 

EuroCham Vice Chaiman Gellert Horvath and Vice Chairman of Hai Duong People’s Committee Vuong Duc Sang, 

EuroCham Delegation and Representatives of Hai Duong People’s Committee

In the meeting with Hai Duong People’s Committee, EuroCham Vice Chairman Gellert Hovarth made a short introduction about EuroCham and the Chamber’s willingness to attract more European investors especially in the field of High Technology Agriculture, Green growth, HR & Training, Healthcare (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices).

Mr. Vuong Duc Sang, Vice Chairman of Hai Duong PC presented Hai Duong infrastructure and development plan, main features include:

–    Hai Duong was one of the most rapid develop provinces with 18 industrial parks with an area of 3,517 hectares.

–    It is planning to develop 45 industrial clusters with a total area of 2,200 hectares in favourable locations to attract investors. 

–    Hai Duong authorities have planned to facilitate investment promotion which is in line with Resolution 19 issued by the Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

–    Hai Duong targets to be ranked among top 20 provinces and cities in the country with the best competitiveness index and top 25 provinces and cities with highest Public Administrative Performance Index (PAPI). 

–    Investment projects for European investors in high technology agriculture to increase export to EU market. Hai Duong’s key agriculture products are Litchi, Rice, carrot and green bean cake. 

Hai Duong PC expressed their strong support for EuroCham’s New Chapter in North East of Vietnam upcoming activities of EuroCham in Hai Duong.

The EuroCham Delegation then met with Hai Phong People’s Committee representatives. During the meeting,  Mr. Le Thanh Son Vice Chairman introduced competitive advantages of Hai Phong in attractig more FDI

EuroCham Delegation and Representatives of Hai Phong People’s Committee

With the largest seaport in the North of Vietnam, Hai Phong is the key seaport city of the region. It is also an industrial centre, economic, cultural, medical, educational, scientific, commercial and technological hub of the Coastal Northern Region. Hai Phong is the hub of multi-transports: road railway, waterway and airway of the North to East sea. It is also the northern key economic region and the “two corridors-one economic belt” between Vietnam and China.

EuroCham Vice Chaiman Gellert Horvath and Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee Le Thanh Son

Hai Phong PC expressed their strong support for EuroCham’s New Chapter in North East of Vietnam upcoming activities of EuroCham in Hai Phong.

The programme continued with visit to Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) and Dinh Vu Industrial Zone (Dinh Vu IZ). EuroCham was updated on facts, challenges and opportunities of doing business in Hai Phong. The EuroCham Delegation also visited Knauf’s Factory – a member in Dinh Vu IZ. As a successful European enterprise in the region, Knauf shared its experiences and potential of FDI investment in Hai Phong. 

Meeting with VSIP General Director Mr. Charles Chong

The EuroCham Delegation also paid a visit to Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) and Knauf Factory in Dinh Vu Industrial Park, Hai Phong. 

The activity programme ended with a networking event in the evening at Avani Habour View Hotel in Hai Phong. EuroCham members in Hai Phong were invited to be updated on highlights of EuroCham activities in the first two quarters and its plan to start EuroCham’s Northern East Chapter in Hai Phong City in September. The New Chapter aims to increase the engagement with members in the region through events, enhance collaboration with the local authority.

Networking event @ Avani Habour View Hotel

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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