EuroCham in Binh Phuoc Province: cultivating partnerships for high-tech agricultural growth

On 12 March 2024, EuroCham, alongside nearly 7o of our members and representatives of diplomatic missions, embarked on a trip to Binh Phuoc Province for the “Business Connection Forum – Industrial, Trading and High-tech Agriculture 2024.” The trip was hosted by the Binh Phuoc People’s Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, EuroCham, and the Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association (VIDA).



Reflecting on the province’s development, Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Manh Cuong during a courtesy meeting, outlined Binh Phuoc’s growth, strategic focus areas, and its commitment to sustainable, high-quality development centered around industrial growth, agricultural efficiency, and the expansion of trade and services. Emphasizing the province’s development strategy, Mr. Cuong noted the emphasis on infrastructure, human resources, and administrative reform, aiming to leverage substantial investments, notably from foreign enterprises, to drive growth.


Building on Mr. Cuong’s key insights, the forum encouraged substantive conversations on the advancement of high-tech agriculture, investment inclinations, and collaboration potentials between European companies and Binh Phuoc. It presented an objective analysis of the province’s strategic importance within the Southern Key Economic Region and its attractiveness for investments in the agricultural sector and renewable energy initiatives.


During his opening remarks, EuroCham Chairman Mr. Gabor Fluit highlighted the forum’s role in creating business opportunities, and proposed ways Binh Phuoc can attract European investment.


The occasion also saw presentations from EuroCham’s Food Agri & Aqua Business Sector Committee (FAABS) represented by Mr. Paul-Antoine Croizé (Chairman of FAABS) and Mr. Surajit Rakshit (Member of FAABS), and Green Growth Sector Committee represented by Mr. Sergio Pereira Da Silva (Vice Chairman and Head of Sustainable Cities & Building WG).





At the conclusion of the Forum, both the Binh Phuoc Province authority and the EuroCham delegation conveyed confidence in fostering a stronger partnership.

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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