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EuroCham Medical Devices & Diagnostics Sector Committee joins hands with Vietnam’s Government in the fight against COVID-19

On 13 August 2020, in Hanoi, EuroCham Medical Devices & Diagnostics Sector Committee presented to the Ministry of Health – National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control 12,000 test kits of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 in donation for the fight against COVID-19 in Vietnam.
On behalf of leaders of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Nguyen Cong Sinh, Deputy Director of Planning and Finance Department expressed gratitude for EuroCham Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee’s timely and meaningful support at an important time. The Ministry of Health will allocate the donated tests to Central localities in need. Deputy Director of Department of Medical Equipment and Construction Mr. Nguyen Tu Hieu, Deputy Director of Department of International Cooperation Ms. Pham Thi Minh Chau, as well as other colleagues of Ministry of Health also attended the handover ceremony.
Handing the donation to the Ministry of Health, EuroCham Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee affirmed to assist the Ministry in allocating the donated tests to localities which are hit by the impacts of the fresh wave of the COVID-19. At the time of high risk of community spread, EuroCham Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee wishes the 12,000 test kits from Europe will be supportive for Vietnam in gripping with this fresh outbreak, sharing spirit of the European business community of contributing to outbreak containment in Vietnam.
Mr. Torben Minko, Chairman of EuroCham Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee, shared:
“EuroCham Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee, representing with 26 multinational medical devices and diagnostics companies operating in Vietnam the vast majority of healthcare products distributed in the country, is committed to supporting the Government and all Vietnamese citizens in this fight.
Our industry is ensuring a stable supply and importation of sustainable, innovative and high quality healthcare products to meet the demand of effective prevention and fight against the pandemic as well as treatment activities. At the same time, we would like to make this practical contribution to join the current efforts of the Government in this critical time in order to promptly control the outbreak. Given the high risk of community spread, we believe massive testing in the community is of a significant importance to timely identify infection zones and high-risk cases, reduce the possibility of community spread. With these 12,000 test kits, we wish to increase the number of people in Vietnam being timely tested and effectively support expanding the scope of nation’s massive testing.”
Mr. Nguyen Hai Minh, Vice-Chairman of EuroCham represented the chamber at the ceremony. About the donation, Mr. Nicolas Audier, EuroCham Chairman said: “Medical devices are at the forefront of the campaign against COVID-19, and EuroCham is proud that the Medical Devices & Diagnostics Sector Committee has made such an important contribution to support Vietnam in its fight against this global pandemic. EuroCham and our medical devices and diagnostics member companies stand together with Vietnam during these uncertain times. We are proud to support the Government’s world-leading response, and re-affirm our long-term commitment to the health of Vietnamese citizens and the future development of Vietnam’s health sector.”

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The Medical Devices and Diagnostics Sector Committee of the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham MDDSC) represents the diversity of the medical devices and diagnostics industry in Vietnam with 26 corporate members.
EuroCham MDDSC is open to all companies operating in the medical devices and diagnostics industry. Objective of the group is to unify the voices of all multinational industry players in Vietnam, which face similar challenges and opportunities and share the same aim to support the development of healthcare in the country.


Serology test Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 detects antibodies in persons who have been exposed to the corona virus causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). Serology antibody tests support identifying infection rates and immunity within the community. The donated test has a 100% sensitivity and 99.81% specificity, according to manufacturer’s statistics. The test was granted CE mark on 28 April 2020, approved by FDA on 2 May 2020 and by Vietnam’s Ministry of Health on 9 July 2020.


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