EuroCham signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association

On the 29th of September 2019 in Hanoi, the Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association (VIDA) was officially launched and had its first congress meeting ceremony with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong. On behalf of EuroCham as a strategic partner of the newly-launched association, Vice Chairman Ywert Visser and Vice Chairman Nguyen Hai Minh participated and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on partnership to improve digital agriculture in Vietnam with VIDA.

H.E. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong speaking at the opening ceremony

Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT Corporation, newly-elected Chairman of VIDA term I from 2019 – 2024, shared that on June 26, Ministry of Home Affairs promulgated Decision No. 516/QD-BNV on allowing the establishment of Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association.
The association is a voluntary social-professional organisation which consists of individuals, companies and organisations engaged in agricultural production and business in the direction of applying digital technology. It aims to gather resources to realize the directions of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in developing the agricultural sector of Vietnam by performing practical tasks such as perfecting the technological infrastructure for agriculture, cooperating internationally and expanding markets, attracting investment for deep processing, and providing training and developing digital agricultural human resources.

With the expected ratification and implementation of the EVFTA, a new door for a breakthrough development of the Vietnamese agricultural sector is opening. EuroCham has already kicked off the process to facilitate such development, especially in terms of sustainability and hi-tech application. Earlier this month, EuroCham organised the very first Vietnam–EU Sustainable Agriculture Forum in which the highlights were to connect the business communities from both sides, sharing the newest technologies, know-how, experiences and knowledge towards Agriculture 4.0. As such, EuroCham is encouraged with the launch of VIDA and we are honoured to sign the MOU with VIDA.

The MOU will provide a framework for cooperation in areas of common objectives, including policy reform, facilitation of trade and investment in Vietnamese agriculture sector, particularly between the EU and Vietnam, improvement and promotion of agricultural products, sharing expertise and technologies transfer.

The MOU signing between EuroCham and VIDA in the witness of Minister of MARD
In the upcoming time, with the signed MOU, the two organisations will plan for concrete action plans including the organisation of workshops, conferences, training courses and promotion activities in relation to digital agriculture.

EuroCham representatives at the Establishment Ceremony of Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association Term 1 (2019 – 2024)

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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