May 30, 2024

EuroCham Vietnam meets EU Ambassador to ASEAN to discuss priorities in EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership

On 28 May, a EuroCham delegation met with the EU Ambassador to ASEAN, Sujiro Seam, to discuss key priorities within the EU-ASEAN strategic partnership. The meeting focused on strengthening collaboration in digital transformation, sustainable development, and supply chain resilience. 


We also invited Ambassador Seam to join us at GEFE 2024 in October.


The EuroCham delegation included:

  • Chairman Dominik Meichle,
  • Vice-Chairmen Jean-Jacques Bouflet and Minh Nguyen,
  • Executive Director Delphine Rousselet,
  • Thomas Jayet, CEO of VSTV (K+), a foreign joint venture in Vietnam’s pay-TV industry,
  • Head of our Hanoi Office cum External Relations Manager Van Nguyen, and
  • Advocacy Manager Diep Truong.


Discussion highlights:


Digital Transformation: The EU and ASEAN are prioritising digital transformation in their partnership.  The proposed Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) is a key initiative, but its finalisation depends on consensus among ASEAN members, potentially by next year. At present, ASEAN is hesitant to engage in substantial collaboration with the EU until a consensus is reached among all ASEAN members regarding the terms of the DEFA. To facilitate potential future collaborations, a “mapping exercise” is scheduled for 15 March. This exercise aims to identify areas of mutual interest, such as intellectual property  and cybersecurity, which could be included in the DEFA framework.


Sustainable Development: The meeting underscored the importance of green transition. Both the EU and ASEAN recognise the need for sustainable practises that drive economic growth while minimising environmental impact. We also reaffirmed our commitment to promoting eco-friendly technologies and practises.


Supply Chain Resilience: Strengthening supply chains was identified as crucial for withstanding global disruptions and ensuring uninterrupted trade and economic activity.

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