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EuroCham welcomes new members at an orientation in Hanoi

Last Thursday, May 25, a EuroCham new member orientation was organized for the newest additions to the EuroCham family. It took place at the EuroCham Hanoi Office and featured 12 representatives from nine companies and organizations who recently joined EuroCham


The event was hosted by Delphine Rousselet, EuroCham Executive Director, along with Van Nguyen, Head of EuroCham’s Hanoi Office and External Relations Manager. They shared information with the participants about the numerous benefits that they now have as members of the EuroCham family.


The new members were enthusiastic about learning more about our Sector Committees, expressing their desire to join, contribute and make their voice heard. After the introductions and sharing, attendees had an exciting networking session.


We hope that all our members found the evening as enjoyable as we did! EuroCham is also looking forward to welcoming our new members at another new member orientation scheduled for Wednesday, May 31, at the EuroCham Ho Chi Minh City Office. See you there!

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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