Green Business Forum – Sustainable Logistics Solutions

On 24 September, Juergen Weber, Chairman of EuroCham’s Transportation and Logistics Sector Committee (TLSC), participated in the Green Business Forum titled Sustainable Logistics Solutions: Step Toward Decarbonized Logistics and Supply Chain in Vietnam. Organised by the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee and the Investment and Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC), the forum brought together industry stakeholders to address the urgent need for decarbonisation in Vietnam’s logistics sector.

With logistics contributing approximately 11-12% of global CO² emissions, the push for decarbonisation is more critical than ever. Vietnam’s logistics industry faces a unique set of challenges that complicate this transition. The sector is characterised by a fragmented supply chain, significant reliance on fossil fuels, and inadequate infrastructure at ports and airports. These issues hinder efficiency and sustainability efforts, making it essential to adopt innovative solutions and strategic changes.

The forum highlighted several key strategies necessary for shifting towards sustainable logistics. Optimising freight movements was identified as a vital step, requiring the adoption of advanced technologies and data-driven approaches to streamline operations. Participants discussed the importance of increasing the use of renewable energy sources, not only in transportation but also in logistics facilities. Furthermore, enhancing the digitisation of logistics assets was seen as crucial for improving operational efficiency and reducing carbon footprints.

EuroCham is dedicated to supporting this transformative journey within the logistics sector. The chamber is focused on fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, including businesses, government entities, and educational institutions, to build a supportive ecosystem for sustainable practices. Additionally, EuroCham is committed to encouraging the development of skilled labour that can navigate the evolving landscape of green logistics.

Promoting innovative solutions is also a priority for EuroCham. This includes advocating for the adoption of electric vehicles in logistics fleets and the establishment of renewable energy-powered warehouses, which can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and operational costs.

Looking ahead, EuroCham’s upcoming Decarbonization Forum will delve deeper into the specific steps needed to propel Vietnam toward a greener logistics future. By uniting industry experts and stakeholders, EuroCham aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices, ensuring a collective effort towards achieving sustainability goals in the logistics sector.

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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