Merck, Sharp & Dome (MSD) has officially concluded the EuroCham Sustainability Initiative 2018

Ho Chi Minh City, 19 January 2018 – Merck, Sharp & Dome (MSD) has officially concluded the elimination of single-use plastic bottles in office operations after making their pledge to the EuroCham Sustainability Initiative 2018.
MSD leads by example along with 30 other EuroCham members who have since November 2017 worked to re-shape the way they work to reduce their environmental impact.
Today, the EuroCham team conducted an “inspection” to the MSD offices, where the company explained how this transition was made. 

EuroCham officer Mr. Huan Nguyen delivers EuroCham Sustainability Initiative certificate to Facilities Manager Ms. Kieu Kim Thoa

Before November 2017, MSD had an average order of 360 single-use plastic bottles, which were used for welcoming guests and group meetings. After joining the EuroCham Sustainability initiative on 07 December 2017, the orders were halted and MSD’s consumption of newly bought plastic bottles dropped all the way to zero in mid-January 2018. 

A picture of how MSD used its single use plastic bottles before completing the challenge of completely shifting encourages by the EuroCham Sustainability Initiative

To replace this use, Merck has made the small adjustments necessary to make a positive impact on the environment, which involved using only water dispensers in the entire office, while providing glass, cups, mugs, and jugs for employees to use and refill. 

A plastic bottle free office!

MSD is a good example of how all EuroCham members can, with a small measure, contribute to a better environmental awareness in Vietnam. 
Vietnam unfortunately among the 5 countries producing 60% of all plastic waste that ends up in the ocean.  The country has one of the highest DDT toxin concentrations on its coasts – which results from plastics decomposition – and one of the highest rates of plastic consumption in the world.
In a country with such high economic development, business can begin with small steps to ensure that Vietnam’s prosperity also generates a greener future for those that live and work in the country and its biodiversity.  
If the 950 members of EuroCham follow the example that MSD and other companies that have joined the EuroCham Sustainability Initiative, how much impact can we make?
Join us!
Make your pledge, your efforts will not go unnoticed, your contribution to a greener future for Vietnam won’t either.
More info HERE 

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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