EU-ASEAN Business Council

The EU-ASEAN Business Council is a pan-ASEAN platform for European businesses to advocate their trade and investment interests in South East Asia. Composed of senior business representatives, it allows its members to engage in high-level meetings with policy-makers in the ASEAN countries, with the ASEAN secretariat and with the EU institutions. It acts as an interface for institutions in the European Union and in ASEAN to engage in a dialogue with businesses, including in the framework of the EU ASEAN Business Summits.

Members of the EU-ASEAN Business Council with ASEAN Secretary General, H.E. Le Luong Minh, 9th March (Vietnam)

IPR Helpdesk

The ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk supports European Union (EU) small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to ASEAN, through the provision of free information and services. These take the form of jargon-free, first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property and related issues, plus training, materials and online resources.

The ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk project is co-funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). 

European Business Organisations (EBO) Network 

Across the globe, organizations like EuroCham are carrying out similar duties and tasks for their members. Initially fairly autonomous of one another, European Business Organizations are now united under the European Business Organisations (EBO) Network. With the support of the European Commission, the EBO Worldwide Network was created in 2001 between representatives of EU business associations in non-EU countries and chambers of commerce. It stands as the sole network representing EU-wide business interests in Third Countries.

The main objective of this network is to promote exchanges of views between these associations and their host countries and to establish closer relationships between the Commission services and these organisations raise awareness on EU policy priorities and activities and improve the market access for European business in third countries.
The EBO Worldwide Network, which extends to more than twenty countries around the world, aims at providing lobbying, information and networking for European businesses worldwide.

Marieke Van Der PIJL


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