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[Sector Committee Spotlight] Nutritional Foods Group (NFG) Sector Committee

EuroCham’s Nutritional Foods Group Sector Committee: Advocating for Science-Based Nutrition and Ethical Business Practices in Vietnam


The Nutritional Foods Group (NFG) is a  EuroCham’s sector committee representing leading multinational dairy companies operating in Vietnam. With a mission to improve nutritional well-being across the country, NFG collaborates with the government, NGOs, and civil society partners to make a positive impact on Vietnam’s nutritional landscape.


A core focus for NFG is advocating for science-based nutrition policies and ethical business practices in Vietnam’s dairy and nutrition sector. The advocacy aims to promote science-backed nutrition knowledge, develop effective safe nutrition policies and practices for the Vietnamese people, and contribute to science-based regulations governing the industry. Fostering robust business ethics is also a priority, with NFG members committed to strict, comprehensive self-regulation. Through open discussions with the government and stakeholders, NFG facilitates broad industry support for efforts to improve nutrition across Vietnam while upholding high standards. Their advocacy approach is grounded in nurturing a fair, responsible industry that prioritizes consumer health and science-driven policymaking.


One area of focus for NFG is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations.Their advocacy efforts aim to lower Fs rates and ensure the responsible recycling of packaging and discarded products. NFG supports the implementation of EPR regulations in accordance with Resolution 02 issued by the government in 2024, which outlines timelines and methods for compliance.


However, challenges remain, particularly regarding intellectual property infringement and quality and advertisement issues in the dairy and food industry. NFG is actively addressing these issues by working with government, NGOs, and civil society partners to combat counterfeit products and false advertising, thereby protecting consumers and promoting fair competition.


Want to learn more about NFG SC? Contact Ms. Hanh Nguyen at

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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