Take Part in EuroCham’s EVFTA Survey

The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is reaching the final stages of ratification.
This game-changing agreement will open up markets on both sides. Businesses and consumers will benefit from reduced tariffs and  barriers to trade: it is a true ‘win-win’ for Europe and Vietnam.
EuroCham has been leading the campaign to secure this agreement since negotiations first began. The Chamber has been working with high-level decision makers on both sides to promote it wherever possible, from repeated visits to Brussels to regular meetings with the Government of Vietnam.
EuroCham will take a delegation of members to Brussels in October to show the European Parliament and European Commission the real, tangible benefits that the EVFTA will bring not just to businesses and consumers, but also to the livelihoods and living standards of millions of people in Vietnam.
EuroCham’s influence comes from the strength of our membership and their on-the-ground insight into the trade and investment environment in all sectors and industries across the length and breadth of Vietnam.
Make Your Opinion Count
To ensure we put the strongest possible case for the EVFTA, we want to harness the opinions and perspectives of our members, as part of a report we will be taking to Brussels: The EVFTA 2018 – Perspectives from Vietnam.
That’s why we’re asking EuroCham members to spend just a few minutes to answer some short, simple questions about the EVFTA and its impact on their business and investment plan. This should take no more than 5 minutes.
Your answers will help us to better represent the views of European businesses in Vietnam and to paint a picture of how it will affect companies and communities.
To take part in our questionnaire, just click here.

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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