[Event recap] Seminar “LeaderShift to Win”

On 22 March, EuroCham and BeluxCham co-organized the Seminar: “LeaderShift to Win” with the participation of nearly 50 attendees. The Seminar successfully happened with great support from Mentally Fit as a Thought Partner and 6 Co-host partners including: Hub.Brussels; CanCham; CEEC; GBA; NordCham and SCCA. We are also delighted to have Mazars as our valuable Venue Sponsor and Nespresso as our in-kind sponsor. Opening the Seminar, Mrs. Nguyen Cam Van – Head of EuroCham Ha Noi Office cum External Relations Manager delivered a warm remark welcoming all the participants attending the Seminar and introduced Global Performance Coach – Alain Goudsmet- Founder & Chairman of Mentally Fit Global as the keynote speaker. During the Seminar, Mr. Alain shared his valuable insights on 3 key focuses: Types of shifts to be made in storm times; Steps to build a winning team culture; Fit to Play – Fit to Lead – Fit to Win. He clarified several approaches to navigating leadership mindset, especially highlighting the winning culture on 3 levels: “Me – We – Us”. All the participants engaged actively in the discussion and interactive activities with esteemed sharing from their experience and colorful leadership perspectives.


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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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