About our Nutritional Foods Group Sector Committee

The Nutritional Foods Group (NFG) is the non-profit, non-governmental representative body of world-leading multi-national dairy companies operating in Vietnam. NFG’s mission is to improve the nutritional well-being of people across Vietnam. Together with the Government, NGOs, and civil society partners, we work to make a positive impact on Vietnam’s nutritional profile.

With the aim of promoting industry development and bringing nutritional and health benefits to Vietnamese people, NFG is continuously striving toward the following objectives:



Mrinalini Mankotia
Vice-Chairwoman and Treasurer
Nestlé Vietnam

douglas kuo


External activities

April 27: Participated in a meeting on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Sent a joint letter with EuroCham to provide feedback on the Draft Decision of the Prime Minister on reasonable recycling cost norms.


May 9: Attended a meeting on the Law on Advertising organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, where concerns were raised and valuable input was shared.


April 17 and May 15: Corresponded with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through two letters. These letters addressed Draft 3 and 4 of the Circular, focusing on guidelines for nutrition facts and labeling requirements for food products.

May 17: Urgently wrote a letter to the National Assembly advocating for the exclusion of “milk for the elderly” from the list of goods subject to price stabilization in the Draft Law on Prices (Amended).

Internal activities

Apr. 13: Organized Board meeting and elected new leaders

  • Mr. Douglas Kuo, General Director of Abbott Laboratories GmbH in HCMC, assumed the role of Chairman.
  • Mrs. Mrinalini Mankotia, Country Business Manager Infant Nutrition of Nestlé Vietnam Ltd., was appointed as Vice Chairwoman/Treasurer.

Ongoing: Currently developing a policy on self-regulation as a compliance handbook.

Advocacy outcomes

June 12: NFG consulted with the Ministry of Health on Draft Circular for Nutrition Labeling.


June 19: National Assembly removed “milk for the elderly” from the price stabilization list in the amended Law on Prices.

Key Interests


Join the Nutritional Foods Group Sector Committee

Companies must meet these criteria to become NFG members:

  • Must be a EuroCham member;
  • Must be in the business of nutrition products for pregnant women, infants and/or young children, either as a manufacturer, trader or affiliated brand-owning importer;
  • The NFG Board must approve.

You can join the NFG by completing, signing, and sending the NFG application and the Code of Marketing Practice for Breast-milk Substitute Milk Products (Code of Conduct) to sec.comms@eurochamvn.org. Applications should be addressed to the NFG Chairperson.

Since the NFG is self-financed, self-governed, and bottom-up, its activities are limited by membership fees and member focus areas.

For inquiries, kindly contact:
Sector Committee Coordinator Ms. Hanh Nguyen
Email: ngochanh.nguyen@eurochamvn.org
Office phone: +(84-28) 3827 2715 – Ext 117
Mobile:  (+84) 948027810

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