Dear Members,

Following the on-going developments of Covid-19 and the guidance of the government to limit public gatherings, the EuroCham Executive Committee has decided to postpone our upcoming EGM/AGM which was originally planned for the 25th of March 2020.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly. However, the health and wellbeing of our members, partners and staff is our first concern. Currently, measures at such gatherings to keep attendees safe pose a challenge.

Furthermore, EuroCham wishes to convey the message that the European business community is taking the concerns in Vietnam about the spread of Covid-19 and the efforts of the Vietnamese authorities to curb it very seriously.

We will announce further details, including the new date of our EGM/AGM, as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact EuroCham Executive Director Oliver Regner on: exec-director@eurochamvn.org

Please be reassured that we are here to support our members during what we know is a difficult time and we will continue to work hard on your behalf.

With best wishes,


Nicolas Audier, Chairman of EuroCham

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