About our Wine & Spirits Sector Committee

The Wine & Spirits Sector Committee represents the biggest international companies in the wines and spirits sector in Vietnam. As a group, we work to promote market access, tax policies, marketing, intellectual property, food safety and social policies related to alcohol. Our mission is to promote self-regulation and good citizenship. The committee also assists, discusses, and negotiates with the authorities regarding taxation, importation and distribution, marketing, and so on.

The W&S SC was formed for the following purposes:

  • Improve European & Vietnamese decision-makers’ understanding of the EU wines & spirits industry;
  • Secure appropriate legislative conditions for production, marketing, distribution and sale of EU wines and spirits in Vietnam;
  • Make sure wines & spirits are not treated differently from other local alcoholic beverages;
  • Access Vietnam’s markets freely and fairly;
  • Encourage the industry to implement high marketing standards;
  • Encourage responsible drinking throughout Vietnam;
  • Identify and share good practices with those involved in harm-reduction prevention programs across Vietnam;
  • Develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects in Vietnam;
  • Maintain compliance with Vietnamese competition laws and regulations.

Members and the company they represent must not limit competition. W&S SC’s members and activities, regardless of market share, are prohibited from:

  • Collaborating with competitors to restrict trade;
  • Cartel conduct;
  • Price fixing;
  • Market sharing: agreeing to allocate customers, suppliers or territories;
  • Restricting output: agreeing to restrict, prevent or limit output in a production or supply chain;
  • Bid rigging: agreeing which parties will respond to a tender and/or the price they will bid.




Wine & Spirits Sector Committee Members


Special Consumption Tax (SCT)

March, October and November 2023: Sent 3 letters to the Ministry of Finance, Legal Department – Office of the Government, and National Assembly’s Socio-Economic Committee, advocating for the postponement of the implementation of the revised SCT and proposed the adoption of a hybrid SCT methodology for the wine and spirits industry.

27 December 2023: Attended the Workshop “Suggestions on the Development of the Special Consumption Tax Law” organized by People’s Deputies Newspaper, representing our study on how a hybrid methodology can be implemented in the context of Vietnam.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

31 January 2024: W&S SC collaborated with the Mobility Sector Committee; Nutrition Foods Group Sector Committee (NFG); Food, Agri and Aqua Business Sector Committee (FAABS), and Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC) to send a joint letter to Ministry of Justice. This letter requests for the explanations of some points in Decree 08/2022/NĐ-CP by Resolution 02/NQ-CP of the Government, in terms of EPR implementation timeline and recycling methods.

Law on Advertising

May 2023: Provided comments and recommendations to the MoCST on the proposed amendment and supplementation of the Law on Advertising.

May 2023: Attended the Conference organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MoCST) Agency of Foundation Culture. The conference aimed to gather feedback on the dossier for the development of the Law amending and supplementing certain articles of the Law on Advertising.


Whitebook 2024

16 January 2024: Co-Chairman Olivier Fages delivered a speech at the Whitebook Launch. This appearance highlighted key recommendations for the Special Consumption Tax and Law on Advertising.

2024 Whitebook_Wine & Spirits: ENG | VIE

Join the Wine & Spirits
Sector Committee

For inquiries, kindly contact:

Sector Committee Coordinator Ms. Dinh Thi Thai LINH
Email: linh.dinh@eurochamvn.org
Mobile: (+84) 865 450 413

Marieke Van Der PIJL


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