[Sector Committee Spotlight] Crop Life Vietnam

This week, EuroCham is excited to spotlight CropLife Vietnam through an insightful interview with Dang Van Bao, Chairman of the CropLife Vietnam Sector Committee. This interview provides an in-depth look into the vital work of one of our 20 Sector Committees.


1.Could you introduce your Sector Committee and your role? What are its primary objectives and how do you support European businesses in this sector?

CropLife Vietnam is the local unit of CropLife Asia/CropLife International and a Sector Committee of EuroCham Vietnam.  


Our mission is to help farmers grow. In Vietnam, we specifically run advocacy and outreach programs to support Vietnamese farmers in producing sufficient amounts of food for a growing population through access to innovative technologies, including modern agricultural biotechnology and crop protection solutions.  


Our key focus is on collaborating with various stakeholders in the industry to maximise the potential of plant science, increasing awareness, acceptance, and understanding of plant science benefits, and promoting the responsible development of sustainable plant science technologies. 


2.Are there any specific policy issues or regulatory challenges that your Sector Committee is currently focused on addressing? Could you elaborate on these challenges and the actions the SC is taking to address them?

We face several challenges. In crop protection, the current legal system, particularly the Law of Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine (2014) and Circular 21, lacks comprehensive regulations and includes unscientific guidelines that delay the registration process of crop protection products. In biotechnology and seeds, there’s a lack of clear guidelines for GM hybrids registration and GE crops, and the implementation is not streamlined.  


To address these issues, we support the Plant Protection Department (PPD) and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in developing a plan to revise the CP Law and Circular 21 through position letters, meetings, and workshops. We have also signed a 5-year MoU with PPD-MARD to extend collaboration on the Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework (SPMF) in Vietnam starting from 2024 and are in the third year of an MoU with Dong Thap Province to run Stewardship Program. Additionally, we are organising a 3-day International Container Symposium in Ho Chi Minh City this September, so stay tuned for more updates.  

3.Why should EuroCham members join this SC?

CropLife Vietnam actively engages with government bodies, regulatory authorities, and industry stakeholders to represent members’ interests, providing a powerful voice in policy discussions and regulatory frameworks impacting the crop protection industry.  


Members benefit from market updates and networking through monthly working group meetings and quarterly board meetings. We are committed to promoting sustainable agricultural initiatives, improving environmental stewardship, advancing integrated pest management, and supporting the safe and responsible use of crop protection products.  


As part of the global CropLife network, our members gain international experience through workshops and conferences. Additionally, we offer support and guidance to help members navigate regulatory compliance. 

4. Looking ahead, what are some emerging trends or developments in your sector that you believe will shape the business landscape in Vietnam?

There are several key trends. Regulatory changes and compliance are significant, with MARD planning to amend macro laws on agricultural input materials management.  


Sustainable agriculture practices are gaining momentum in alignment with the 2021-2030 Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development and Vietnam’s commitment to COP 28, pushing towards integrated pest management (IPM), precision farming, and the use of biological pesticides, aiming to reduce chemical crop protection products by 30%.  


Digital agriculture and smart farming technologies, such as drones, IoT sensors, data analytics, and AI, are optimising crop management and enhancing decision-making processes.  


Advances in biotechnology are also paving the way for developing genetically modified (GM) crops that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. 

Interested in joining Crop Life Sector Committee? Contact our SC Coordinator Linda linh.dinh@eurochamvn.org

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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