On 24 July, EuroCham Vietnam participated in the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (VCCI) Agriculture Forum 2024, titled “Breakthrough smart agriculture from 5.0 technology.” Ywert Visser, Vice-Chair of EuroCham’s Food, Agri and Aqua Business Sector Committee (FAABS) attended the event.






The forum delved into the potential of 5.0 technology to revolutionize Vietnamese agriculture. Discussions centered on how the integration of Internet of Things (IoT), AI, and big data can create a new era of “precision farming.” This approach utilizes data-driven insights to optimize resource use, improve crop yields, and minimize waste.

Examples of successful implementation were showcased, highlighting the positive impact of automated systems in farms like Delco and Green Spirit. These advancements demonstrate significant improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability – key factors for transforming Vietnamese agriculture into a more productive and environmentally friendly industry.

Mr. Visser’s participation aligns with EuroCham FAABS’ commitment to fostering a more advanced and sustainable agricultural sector in Vietnam. 

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