In an effort to enhance EU-Vietnam cooperation in research and innovation the EU-Vietnam Research & Innovation Community met on  21 May 2024. The event, organised by the EU Delegation to Vietnam and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), provided a unique platform to enhance collaboration between the European and Vietnamese research and business communities.




During his opening remarks, Julien Guerrier, the EU Ambassador to Vietnam, emphasised the shared priorities between the EU and Vietnam in the realms of research, science, technology, and innovation. He stated, “Research and innovation drive solutions to pressing challenges, improve the quality of life for people, and pave the way for a sustainable future.”


Khuat Quang Hung, Vice-Chairman of EuroCham’s Green Growth Sector Committee and Head of its Circular Economy Working Group spoke at the event’s panel discussion on “Synergising Research & Business Collaboration: Driving the Circular Economy.” He highlighted Vietnam’s transition towards a circular economy, noting the government’s efforts to establish a robust legal framework, including through the revised Law on Environment and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations.

“The circular economy can offer a remarkable economic opportunity to the businesses. To effectively promote and implement circular economy models, it requires multi-stakeholder engagement and efforts from all concerned parties including academia,the  government, industry, and support from international organisations,”  said Mr. Hung. 

He called on Vietnamese SMEs to raise awareness, educate employees, seek funding, promote networking, and pilot projects to adopt circular economy principles.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Bui The Duy emphasised the need to enhance cooperation and international integration through the advancement of collaborative programmes and projects in science, technology, and innovation, including energy, energy transition, green transition, and sustainable development, with key partners such as the EU and its member states.

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